6 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Model Bisnis On Demand Service Mobile Platform Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Gojek Di Indonesia

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    The influence of the role of technology today, bringing competition in the business world will be more stringent over time. Technology in the modern world is a very important role in supporting the company's business processes that will have a positive impact on the company. For example, business people in the field of transportation. PT. Gojek Indonesia is one of the online services transportation business that utilizes mobile technology platform to support the business process model on demand service used by Gojek companies so that the services provided to customers run well and in line with expectations of business opportunities in Indonesia. Gojek companies are examples of startup companies in Indonesia that use mobile platform technology. In this study using descriptive method that starts with a survey to find the necessary data such as the data downloader of the Gojek application in the play store and the reviews or comments given by the customer to the application. These data will then be analyzed to see the level of satisfaction of customers or users of mobile platform-based services.</p

    Analisis Implementasi Model Bisnis On Demand Service Mobile Platform Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Gojek Di Indonesia

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    The influence of the role of technology today, bringing competition in the business world will be more stringent over time. Technology in the modern world is a very important role in supporting the company's business processes that will have a positive impact on the company. For example, business people in the field of transportation. PT. Gojek Indonesia is one of the online services transportation business that utilizes mobile technology platform to support the business process model on demand service used by Gojek companies so that the services provided to customers run well and in line with expectations of business opportunities in Indonesia. Gojek companies are examples of startup companies in Indonesia that use mobile platform technology. In this study using descriptive method that starts with a survey to find the necessary data such as the data downloader of the Gojek application in the play store and the reviews or comments given by the customer to the application. These data will then be analyzed to see the level of satisfaction of customers or users of mobile platform-based services

    A Development of Augmented Reality Mobile Application to Promote the Traditional Indonesian Food

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    Traditional food is a representation of the culture and identity of certain regions and is a symbol of cultural heritage. Traditional Indonesian food must be preserved and introduced to the community, especially the easy generation as the next generation of the nation as a form of love for the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation. It aims to avoid the influence of food or foreign cuisine that enters Indonesia, which from time to time makes the preservation of traditional Indonesian food increasingly eroded. One form of an effective cultural approach is by introducing to the easy generation and also to the wider community. Therefore the use of technology is very important to maintain the preservation of traditional Indonesian food and convey it to the community, especially the easy generation. This study aims to develop a mobile application for augmented reality as a promotional medium to introduce traditional Indonesian food. Mobile augmented reality in applications built with the Unity3D program is done in different ways in presenting information to other media. This method allows users to view the media as a presentation of their information in the form of 2D and or 3D image modelling by using tracking images through a smartphone device's camera. The mobile augmented reality application that will be developed can provide an interesting and interactive information experience so that it can be fun for every user so that knowledge of traditional Indonesian food can be distributed and channeled so that the preservation of traditional Indonesian food is maintained


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    Makanan Tradisional adalah representasi dari budaya dan identitas dari daerah tertentu serta merupakan simbol dari warisan kebudayaan. Makanan tradisional Indonesia harus dilestarikan ke masyarakat terutama generasi mudah generasi penerus bangsa sebagai wujud kecintaanya terhadap budaya. Hal ini bertujuan agar terhindar dari pengaruh makanan atau masakan asing yang masuk ke Indonesia yang dari zaman ke zaman membuat kelestarian makanan tradisional Indonesia semakin terkikis. Salah satu bentuk pendekatan kultural yang efektif yaitu dengan memperkenalkan ke generasi mudah dan juga kepada masyarakat luas. Oleh karena itu pemanfaatan teknologi sangatlah penting untuk menjaga kelestarian makanan tradisional Indonesia dan menyampaikanya ke masyarakat khususnya generasi mudah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi mobile augmented reality sebagai media promosi untuk memperkenalkan makanan tradisional Indonesia. Mobile augmented reality dalam aplikasi yang di bangun dengan program unity3D dilakukan dengan cara yang berbeda dalam menyajikan informasi terhadap media lainya. Metode ini memungkinkan pengguna melihat media sebagai penyajian informasinya dalam bentuk pemodelan gambar 2D dan atau 3D dengan menggunakan tracking image melalui kamera perangkat smartphone. Aplikasi mobile augmented reality yang akan di kembangkan dapat memberikan pengalaman informasi yang menarik dan interaktif sehingga dapat menyenangkan kepada setiap pengguna agar pengetahuan tentang makanan tradisional Indonesia dapat terdistribusi dan tersalurkan sehingga kelestarian makanan tradisional Indonesia tetap dipertahankan

    A Development of Augmented Reality Mobile Application to Promote the Traditional Indonesian Food

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    Traditional food is a representation of the culture and identity of certain regions and is a symbol of cultural heritage. Traditional Indonesian food must be preserved and introduced to the community, especially the easy generation as the next generation of the nation as a form of love for the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation. It aims to avoid the influence of food or foreign cuisine that enters Indonesia, which from time to time makes the preservation of traditional Indonesian food increasingly eroded. One form of an effective cultural approach is by introducing to the easy generation and also to the wider community. Therefore the use of technology is very important to maintain the preservation of traditional Indonesian food and convey it to the community, especially the easy generation. This study aims to develop a mobile application for augmented reality as a promotional medium to introduce traditional Indonesian food. Mobile augmented reality in applications built with the Unity3D program is done in different ways in presenting information to other media. This method allows users to view the media as a presentation of their information in the form of 2D and or 3D image modelling by using tracking images through a smartphone device's camera. The mobile augmented reality application that will be developed can provide an interesting and interactive information experience so that it can be fun for every user so that knowledge of traditional Indonesian food can be distributed and channelled so that the preservation of traditional Indonesian food is maintained

    A Development of Augmented Reality Mobile Application to Promote the Traditional Indonesian Food

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    Traditional food is a representation of the culture and identity of certain regions and is a symbol of cultural heritage. Traditional Indonesian food must be preserved and introduced to the community, especially the easy generation as the next generation of the nation as a form of love for the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation. It aims to avoid the influence of food or foreign cuisine that enters Indonesia, which from time to time makes the preservation of traditional Indonesian food increasingly eroded. One form of an effective cultural approach is by introducing to the easy generation and also to the wider community. Therefore the use of technology is very important to maintain the preservation of traditional Indonesian food and convey it to the community, especially the easy generation. This study aims to develop a mobile application for augmented reality as a promotional medium to introduce traditional Indonesian food. Mobile augmented reality in applications built with the Unity3D program is done in different ways in presenting information to other media. This method allows users to view the media as a presentation of their information in the form of 2D and or 3D image modelling by using tracking images through a smartphone device's camera. The mobile augmented reality application that will be developed can provide an interesting and interactive information experience so that it can be fun for every user so that knowledge of traditional Indonesian food can be distributed and channelled so that the preservation of traditional Indonesian food is maintained